Summary The story is about three teenage girls, wearing only their bathing suits, walk into the A&P in a small town. Sammy, a checkout boy, watches them closely. When the girls choose Sammy’s checkout line to make their payment, Lengel, the store manager, comes to critize their wearing. The girls are embarrassed. As the girls begin to leave the store, Sammy suddenly turns to Lengel and quits his job, protesting the way Lengel has embarrassed the girls. Sammy hopes the girls are watching him. Lengel says to Sammy that he will regret the decision later and that his quitting will disappoint his parents. But Sammy left the A&P decisively. When he reaches the parking lot, he sees that the girls are long gone. Sammy is left alone with his ambiguous feelings and a growing sense of foreboding about what life has in store for him.
Questions 1、 In the story, Whose values are criticized? A. Sammy B. Lengel C. Queenie D. No one 2、 In "A & P," in what kind of community is the A & P located? A. conventional B. open C. democratic D. Busy 3、 What’s the relationship between Sammy and Lengel ? A. Son and father B. Boss and clerk C. Friends D. Grandson and Grandpa 4、 Why does Sammy quit in "A&P"? A. He thinks it is fun to quit B. He realizes that the world will be hard for him "hereafter" C. He doesn’t like his job now D. He want’s to pursue his own dream 5、 What kind of character is Sammy? A. Responsible B. Positive C. Negative D. Humorous
答案: 1、A 2、A 3、B 4、B 解析:He realizes that the world will be hard for him "hereafter" because people like Lengel may always be gaining economic or arbitrary power over him, and therefore he may feel future pressure to suppress his integrity. 5. C
The action of “A & P” takes place in a grocery store in a town north of Boston that is five miles from the nearest beach. The encounter of Sammy, a checkout clerk at an A & P supermarket, with a trio of swimsuited girls encompasses many of the themes central to adolescence, including accepting the repercussions of one’s choices. When Sammy quits in protest of how the girls were treated by the store’s manager, he perceives that from now on, the world will be a more difficult place. As Sammy tells the story his language indicates that, at age nineteen, he is both cynical and romantic. He notes, for instance, that there are “about twenty-seven old freeloaders” working on a sewer main up the street, and he wonders what the “bum” in “baggy gray pants” could possibly do with “four giant cans of pineapple juice.” Yet, when Queenie approaches him at the checkout, Sammy describes her “prim look” as “she lifts a folded dollar bill out of the hollow at the center of her nubbled pink top.” “Really,” he says, “I thought that was so cute.” He vacillates back and forth between these extremes of opinion during the story. He considers some of the customers “houseslaves in pin curlers,” yet he is sensitive enough that when Lengel makes Queenie blush, he feels “scrunchy inside.” At the end of the story, he quits his job in an effort to be a hero to the girls and as a way of rebelling against a strict society. Experiencing an epiphany, he suddenly realizes “how hard the world was going to be to me hereafter” if he refuses to follow acceptable paths
ReplyDeleteThe story is about three teenage girls, wearing only their bathing suits, walk into the A&P in a small town. Sammy, a checkout boy, watches them closely. When the girls choose Sammy’s checkout line to make their payment, Lengel, the store manager, comes to critize their wearing. The girls are embarrassed. As the girls begin to leave the store, Sammy suddenly turns to Lengel and quits his job, protesting the way Lengel has embarrassed the girls. Sammy hopes the girls are watching him. Lengel says to Sammy that he will regret the decision later and that his quitting will disappoint his parents. But Sammy left the A&P decisively. When he reaches the parking lot, he sees that the girls are long gone. Sammy is left alone with his ambiguous feelings and a growing sense of foreboding about what life has in store for him.
ReplyDelete1、 In the story, Whose values are criticized?
A. Sammy B. Lengel C. Queenie D. No one
2、 In "A & P," in what kind of community is the A & P located?
A. conventional B. open C. democratic D. Busy
3、 What’s the relationship between Sammy and Lengel ?
A. Son and father
B. Boss and clerk
C. Friends
D. Grandson and Grandpa
4、 Why does Sammy quit in "A&P"?
A. He thinks it is fun to quit
B. He realizes that the world will be hard for him "hereafter"
C. He doesn’t like his job now
D. He want’s to pursue his own dream
5、 What kind of character is Sammy?
A. Responsible
B. Positive
C. Negative
D. Humorous
解析:He realizes that the world will be hard for him "hereafter" because people like Lengel may always be gaining economic or arbitrary power over him, and therefore he may feel future pressure to suppress his integrity.
5. C
The action of “A & P” takes place in a grocery store in a town north of Boston that is five miles from the nearest beach.
ReplyDeleteThe encounter of Sammy, a checkout clerk at an A & P supermarket, with a trio of swimsuited girls encompasses many of the themes central to adolescence, including accepting the repercussions of one’s choices. When Sammy quits in protest of how the girls were treated by the store’s manager, he perceives that from now on, the world will be a more difficult place. As Sammy tells the story his language indicates that, at age nineteen, he is both cynical and romantic. He notes, for instance, that there are “about twenty-seven old freeloaders” working on a sewer main up the street, and he wonders what the “bum” in “baggy gray pants” could possibly do with “four giant cans of pineapple juice.” Yet, when Queenie approaches him at the checkout, Sammy describes her “prim look” as “she lifts a folded dollar bill out of the hollow at the center of her nubbled pink top.” “Really,” he says, “I thought that was so cute.” He vacillates back and forth between these extremes of opinion during the story. He considers some of the customers “houseslaves in pin curlers,” yet he is sensitive enough that when Lengel makes Queenie blush, he feels “scrunchy inside.” At the end of the story, he quits his job in an effort to be a hero to the girls and as a way of rebelling against a strict society. Experiencing an epiphany, he suddenly realizes “how hard the world was going to be to me hereafter” if he refuses to follow acceptable paths
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plaid 格子圖案
chunky 矮胖
cracker 餅乾
snort 輕蔑地發出聲音
aisle 通道、走廊
straps 皮帶
dynamite 炸藥
oatmeal 燕麥片
asparagus 天冬、龍鬚菜
applesauce 蘋果醬
jiggle 輕搖;微動
fluorescent 螢光
scuttle 天窗
stencille 模板印刷
juvenile 青少年
delinquency 不良行為
aluminum 鋁